Thursday, January 24, 2013

Big News!

When I began this blog last summer, I did it on a whim.  I don't know where the ideas came from; they just came.

 I wanted to do a blog based on the 1930's and how people survived through one of the worst times in American history.  We are experiencing difficulties and times that are hauntingly familiar. 

Back then, there were more farm families and they knew how to garden and make things from scratch.  These days, there are less of us who are equipped to handle that kind of life.  There seemed to be a need for information all in one spot that would help, inform, and encourage.

Thus "In the Boat With Vivian" was born.  My name isn't Vivian, but we are all in the same boat.  I chose the name Vivian because it was on a list of popular girl names from the 1930's and I liked it.

Now for the BIG NEWS.  My first grand baby will be born on the 29th, unless she decides to make an early entrance into this world.  My son and his wife didn't know about this blog, but my new granddaughter will be named Vivian!  How cool is that? 

So I'm taking a few days off from blogging to meet my new granddaughter and spend as much time with her as I can.  You see, they live several states away and I want to soak up as much of that soft baby scent and take as many pictures as humanly possible while I'm there.

I'll be back soon with a soft spot in my heart for a certain little individual named Vivian.

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